Sunday, March 27, 2011
Slice of Life @ Iheartfaces
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Welcome to the World, Luke

Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Tuesday's Top 5
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Fireworks & Such
For photogs, my camera was tripod-mounted using a 2-second timer (use a remote if you've got it, though) and my settings were ss 3, f/10, ISO 200

Also thought I'd share some snaps from the Festival of the Lion King show at Animal Kingdom. We had great seats so I was able to get up close & personal with just my 28-75mm. Settings were ss 1/320, f/2.8, ISO 2500.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Up, Up and Away

And in case you're wondering how I got so lucky to have the Boardwalk all to myself, the truth is, I didn't. That is one of the kinks that got thrown in my grand plan. There were a lot of people there! I'm not sure why this didn't occur to me before. In my head, Max and I were leisurely taking pictures on an empty Boardwalk filled with late afternoon sun, with blue sky stretching out beyond him. In reality, the Boardwalk is curved, so the blue sky was hidden behind buildings, and there were people everywhere.
Here's a secret. The first picture is doctored. I used three different pictures to make it appear that there was no one else around. Check out the original below (you can also see what it looks like straight out of the camera without the vintage processing), and the final edit again. Pretty cool, right?

I'm not saying photoshop should fix everything. Ideally, you can get the shot without having to doctor it later, but in this case, I'm glad I was able to save this one with a little digital magic!
I'll be back soon with a few more disney shots. Fireworks! Oooh! Aaaah!