Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday's Top 5

Getting back into the swing of things here...


First of all, these are NOT resolutions. New Year's Resolutions are sooo passe! These are firm(ish) goals, which are clearly something different (not the least of which is that they don't involve me losing weight, which everyone knows is an historical requirement of all New Year's Resolutions). So what am I planning to do with myself this year? Let's see...

5. KathrynShoresPhotography.Com. This is definitely a must-do during these long, cold winter months. I've even already made a little progress (i.e. I've bought the domain name), so it's only a matter of time until my (hereto undiscovered) web-site development skills start to surface and, through me, create the perfect online home for KSP. Yep, only a matter of time.

4. Take a Studio Lighting Class. This one only requires me to find (or, more accurately, put aside) the time. Up until now I have worked primarily only with natural light, occasionally busting out the flash gun to get a group shot or boost light in a dark room. But I am so intrigued by photographers, newborn photographers, in particular, who are able to use studio lighting so effectively that you would never know it is not window light; thereby enabling them to shoot year-round at any time of the day or night. What a concept! I really do want to put aside the time to get to a studio-lighting class this year. So who's going to nag me about that one come mid-year?

3. Maternity. Maternity. Maternity. This is an area where I would love to strengthen my skills and my portfolio. Last new year, I made the goal of building up my newborn portfolio, and I think that worked out pretty well. Sooooo, if you or someone you know is expecting, keep your eyes peeled for a KSP casting call here or on Facebook in the next few months! (By the way, are you a fan on Facebook?)

2. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. I do not shoot enough. It might have something to do with my full-time job, two-year old son, thirty-something year old husband, twenty-pound cat, yada yada yada, but I have just got to make the time to get out there and shoot. Just before Christmas, I drove past this Christmas tree stand on my way to my son's soccer class. It had just snowed and the snow on the trees was so perfect, as well as the string of lights charmingly strung above the rows of trees. I wanted so badly to stop and capture that shot, but I didn't have my camera with me (and soccer awaited). I told myself I'd go back that afternoon and shoot it. I didn't. I said I'd go back the next morning. I didn't. I said I'd go back after the next snowstorm. Nope. And now the trees are gone, along with my shot. If only I had made myself get out there and shoot! Next time, right?

1. Step Outside the Box. This is big. Big, big, big. So often I get into a typical portrait-session flow and forget to step back and look at the session from a new, creative perspective. Today, I saw blog post by another photographer who had shot an entire nine-month old session in a public library, complete with silly parent puppet shows and snuggly story-time. A library!?!? It was wonderful! It was not traditional portrait and it was simply wonderful. Am I going to be venturing into the library for my next shoot? Maybe not, but my goal has to be to take some time for each session and step (run? leap?) outside the box. Who's with me?

Speaking of what you can do in a year, here's a small sampling of my 2010:

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