You know what I'm talking about. That certain something that newborn babies just emit from their pores and that makes you want to cuddle and squeeze them and causes you to start swaying side-to-side involuntarily. At three weeks old, Baby Finn was just oozing sweet baby deliciousness. If you have followed Maxaroni (and Cheese), you'll remember Finn's older sister and parents from last fall. Big sis is better known around my place as the little girl with the red hat. But, she's a big girl now and now she has an adorable little brother to boot!
In photographer speak, three weeks is a little outside the typical "newborn window," but with a bit of coaxing (and some formula) Baby Finn was perfectly happy to just chill and be still. That is, when he wasn't busy with dad trying to find the perfect football watching/baby feeding spot for the upcoming football season. Big sis got in on the action, too.
Thanks guys for allowing me to capture Finn's first days. It is such an honor to watch your family grow!

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